Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Screw heels!

DAMN! Earlier this day we had our practice for our production number. We HAD to wear heels (or those who brought with them their heels). And you know what? After many rounds of practicing, my feet started to scream, "For God's sake, take them off!"

And of course, I owe so much pity (HAH) so I went right to my classroom during our 'water break' and never came back. Good thing though, our next practice is on Saturday. Haha, how lovely. So it means I actually attended classes today. I took a few pictures today actually. I'm sort of glad I did attend classes, I am totally lost in all the lessons right now, and I really need to catch up since examinations is on this coming Thursday. I hope I'll be able to cheat a litte (especially on Math and Physics) just for the sake of my own grades. I don't know. If I'll be honest, I might fail... but I don't wanna fail. :o

Exhausted and hyperactive. Perfect combination? I think so... not.
Still another hyperactive and exhausted. >.>
And this, my classmate Justine, is way beyond hyperactivity. :o
I suppose this is... stolen. :o
Yep, during the afternoon.
We actually went and visited the "Research Center" in our school. I didn't know you could play tetris while researching!
Charisse having a stroll by the computer players.
And that's actually how they're arranged... the computers I mean. :o
Oh yeah, we can never forget Kerrvy.
After school, me, my sister, and my parents went to the nearest grocery to our house called Metro.
Hah, so much for hyperactivity.
Damn, these tiles are shiny!
And to be honest, that's all I've got for pictures! I realize I'm getting lazy day by day. Well, it's actually because of those team color practices every afternoon in school. Those afternoons are getting more boring each day, that's why I long for proper and formal classes (which will resume again on December). Damn this Intramurals...

- Christin Madeleine

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