Thursday, June 30, 2011

What is this...?

If you ask me, it's worse than Rebecca Black's Friday. At least that song made sense... instead of this one. Wtf?

- Christin Madeleine

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How do you act around your crushes?

Haha, mostly like most girls I suppose? You see, it depends on how we're related to the one I like. Like for example, if I knew him (classmate, school mate, close friend, etc.), it would be something like this...

That only happens when I'm around a crush I'm a close friend to. I would never let them know about anything, once they know about me liking them, I do what I can to keep myself away from them. Yes, I'm that weak that I can't face such a thing. Well, I suppose it's okay IF he likes me too, in a way. But what about boys I don't really know? Or boys that I'm not that close to? That would be something like this...

- Christin Madeleine, the chicken

Brought down wall of art.

Wall of art... what the hell is that? To go back to a random post I wrote last January, I wrote about drawings, that I used to draw a lot as a kid and still draw a lot. But let's focus on what I call MY wall of art. (Be free to read that post HERE.)

That is what I call my wall of art. A part of my room where my drawings are pasted.

The first drawing, first column in the first row, was created way back when I was a freshman student (around 2008 or 2009). From that time I kept on drawing drawings I was really contented with, and when I was really contented with a drawing, I took some tape and taped that particular drawing on my wall, until I stopped drawing more as a sophomore student. So, in a way, it has been a project of mine. And since that time, it was just there, giving some beauty to my room. Now I've taken them all down, for it's time for new drawings. And no, I didn't throw them away, of course. I put them nicely into a big brown envelop so they wouldn't tear apart. I must say though, I'm not used to look at that part of my wall. It's naked, and now the pinkness is showing off, so I must create new drawings VERY quickly. :)

See? The pink wall is peeking out more than ever!

- Christin Madeleine

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A typical Sunday.

So, I'm here outside the house with my sister and her boyfriend. As we all know, it's Sunday today, and spending an afternoon outside won't kill at all. :)

Our female dog Twitter has given birth to seven puppies last night. Four of them are females and three are males. I'm really excited to see how they grow up. Yeah, be surprised, we have twelve dogs here right now.

I'm sitting on our hammock outside, with my sister's laptop on a chair. And yep, I'm blogging from here. MUHAHAHAHA. One good thing about this laptop? It has a built in webcamera! So, yes, vain time for me. I also took two videos, first with my mom and second with my sister. Hah, anything you would do to kill boredom.

I'm presenting you Pepsi Pinas. Doesn't taste so bad! It's known to be blue cola.

Hah, yeah, a boring post indeed. But I need to fill my blog sometimes. It can't just contain the 365 days challenge, right? :D

- Christin Madeleine

Friday, June 24, 2011

Out biking.

So, today, my uncle, Kuya Lucky, celebrated his birthday at our home. Little did I know, that I would have so much fun with my cousins Laurie Ann, Amille (I consider her my cousin even though she's not), Vincent and Ralph. We went out biking! At least I finally got to go anywhere I wanted this time. Being at home all the time? It sucks.

Anyway, that's basically what we did for the whole evening. We biked throughout the whole town on the south from our house. I got to sweat and exercise a little, muhahaha. Anyway, here are some pictures:

Busy playing Tetris Battle. xD
And forgive my polka dotted shorts. Couldn't find something more decent. HAHA
Amille changing from her school uniform.
The shy Vincent.
Andree Abigail! She couldn't come with us when we went biking. She went home.
On the go. :3

And me on the go, haha. xD
Haha, muhahaha.

Amille fell down, bwahaha.

Fixing the hurr.

- Christin Madeleine