Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hannah and Kervey.

I have a new idea! I've been thinking about this for two days or so, and I've been thinking about blogging about my sister and cousin on here as well. I mean, although this blog is about me, it can't only be about me. So, I'm putting in my sister and cousin on here since my sister fails to blog every now and then. Let me see, every Monday and Friday? Anyway, I've told Kervey about this, and he was fine with it. But I haven't told Hannah yet, but I'm sure she will approve.

I'm pretty sure Hannah will read this before I tell her, haha. But, what are they supposed to write? Of course, about themselves! Example, tomorrow (which is, of course Monday), Kervey will start off by writing about himself, where he was born, and all that stuff. Then on the next Monday, he will write about his favorites or role models or whatever he may think of. It's all up to them. The reason why I'm doing this is because I want people to know more about the people that are so dear to me. And the reason why I chose both of them is because they both live here and it would be hard if it would be any of my friends. Since Kervey approved on this idea, and he chose Monday, he will probably be starting tomorrow. Hah, we'll see.

- Christin Madeleine

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