Friday, March 9, 2012

National Achievement Test.

Nothing's bothering me more than my back pain. Sure, I have no idea where this comes from, but I believe it comes from not sleeping in proper positions last night. This annoyed me the most when I took the NAT earlier. But hey, now I have nothing to worry about anymore. There is officially no more tests/exams, homeworks, or projects! Ah, life. Plus, it's weekend now, and I believe I'll be playing a lot of Skyrim.

All year levels except seniors didn't have classes today. I'm pretty sure they were glad about that. All the seniors were divided and each room had thirty students. I was still with Lyka and a classmate of mine named Shiela. It has been exhausting, to shade all the circles that corresponds to your answers, but I actually tried to do it slow and thoroughly. But I slipped on the subjects Filipino and Social Science. The only subject I did seriously was English... as usual.

The booklet and the answer sheet. :))
Lyka with full bangs! :)
A batchmate of mine was actually walking with two glass bottles when one of them fell down and broke into pieces. I could feel those tiny pieces of glass sprinkling all over my feet, and that wasn't a pleasurable feeling at all. I noticed I got that little wound after, and that's the only one I noticed. But my feet feel actually pretty wounded in a way. Oh well, at least it wasn't a greater damage or injury.
Ate lunch with Kerrvy and the rest of the pack. :))
After the NAT, we sat down in one of the staircases in the lobby. Yeah, they were talking about stuffs I could not relate to, so I decided to take pictures of them chilling.
But they weren't really in the mood for picture taking, so that's what I decided to do. Meh, wasn't fun either.
After Kerrvy and the rest of the group went home, I sat with Mervin, Shelamay, and an old classmate of mine named John Adrian. Well, you know how homosexuals are basically into gossips, so I sat there listening to them. HAHA, not that it's a bad thing though. :o
But now, after NAT, all I can say is, "FUCK YEAH, challenge done!" One good thing is that, as they said, the NAT is for  University of San Carlos (USC) and University of San Jose - Recoletos (USJ-R) only. Ah, means that I don't have to worry about CIT-U! I hope that pretty soon, I'll be geared for life. :)

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