Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Last of August.

AAAAAAND September is starting tomorrow, which means: PHILIPPINES IS STARTING WITH CHRISTMAS. Believe me, just because it's SeptemBER, they start with all the Christmas decorations, songs, lights, etc. And that's freaking early, way too early too. Christmas doesn't even start for... four months! That's two summer vacations! Pretty lame if you ask me.

Anyway, today we had our third and last day of wearing traditional Filipino clothes. I didn't take it quite seriously, so I just wore black, tight, long sleeve and black tights covered with a sarong. It was kinda hot, but not hot enough for me to complain. And, well, I sort of forgot it was Wednesday today because last Monday and Tuesday, we didn't have classes. And whenever we start classes in a week (when not on Monday), I always consider it as a "late Monday."

Oh, that camera whore. >.<
After the contest thingy. We, our section, were assigned to clean the gymnasium. :)
For the whole morning we had this contest on who wore the best traditional costumes from each section. And since we never plan properly on things like that, we, as always, didn't win. We are probably the laziest and most relaxed section compared to other seniors. There is a reason why I said probably. Anyway, my room is a total mess. It's completely out of its "shape" and it's seems pretty tight in here. They're going to paint the walls pretty soon. I'm excited what the color will turn out to be like. :)

With a messy bed. My God.
And that's basically some parts of my walls for now. D:
- Christin Madeleine

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