Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Network Error.

And well, finals is coming very quickly, so I need to comply all the requirements needed for the clearance. Since I'm a graduating student, I and the rest of the seniors have the final examinations a lot earlier than the rest of the year levels. We are having our examinations this coming Thursday and Friday (March 1 and 2), and while the rest of the year levels are having their examinations around March 20 or something, I haven't figured that out yet. Well, I suppose I can keep up blogging as long as the internet doesn't fuck it up for me.

Anyway, what have I been up to for the last few days? Let's see...

I bought myself PS3 last Saturday! Well, I wanted one in black, but they didn't have one in 320gb so I took the white one. Ain't so much difference, right? I bought two games to start with, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 and Part 2.

White PS3 for the win!
I haven't come that far yet, since I've also been busy on Sunday going to Alcoy. We had this sort of family gathering, taking a visit to one of the beaches far south of Cebu.

(1) Some uncles, (2) sitting on a small floating thingy with cousins Kerrvy and Vincent, (3) on a typical fishing boat, and (4) a picture of this floating small hut house. The wayer pretty deep by that area.
Anyway, I have been concentrating a lot on the clearance for finals, and I think it's going great. Well, I suppose I'm still scared about mathematics, from that little issue that happened a few weeks ago. Oh well, it has happened, but I have no time in regretting doing that. I'm actually very prepared for the signing of clearance tomorrow. I know, I may not be able to get signed in mathematics, but at least I have figured out the other subjects, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to jump around like a wild animal pretty soon. Of course, I am sorry for what I did with my homework in mathematics, I just really didn't feel like missing a homework. :(

As of today, I've been running up, down, and around school with Kerrvy and the rest of the pack trying to fill my clearance with teachers' signatures. Every single signature counts, and I don't even feel tired at all. The only subjects left at this moment are mathematics, science (physics specifically), T.L.E, and CAT. Oh sure, it's going to be great. I mean, I've compiled all the requirements needed for those subjects (except for T.L.E, not of us really know what the requirements are). Oh well, I just hope so deeply I'll be cleared tomorrow. And I deeply hope I get signed in mathematics!

Just wanted to show you how we are lately. Hahaha pretty stressed, I believe, but won't let it show, y'know.
The clearance for final examinations. If you read it, you can understand what the clearance is for.
One of the requirements in physics is creating this small puppet on the top of a pencil. The above picture shows the one I just made. Looks like a typical member from the band Murderdolls. o.O

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