So, I'm here outside the house with my sister and her boyfriend. As we all know, it's Sunday today, and spending an afternoon outside won't kill at all. :)
Our female dog Twitter has given birth to seven puppies last night. Four of them are females and three are males. I'm really excited to see how they grow up. Yeah, be surprised, we have twelve dogs here right now.
I'm sitting on our hammock outside, with my sister's laptop on a chair. And yep, I'm blogging from here. MUHAHAHAHA. One good thing about this laptop? It has a built in webcamera! So, yes, vain time for me. I also took two videos, first with my mom and second with my sister. Hah, anything you would do to kill boredom.
I'm presenting you Pepsi Pinas. Doesn't taste so bad! It's known to be blue cola. |
Hah, yeah, a boring post indeed. But I need to fill my blog sometimes. It can't just contain the 365 days challenge, right? :D
- Christin Madeleine