Saturday, March 26, 2011

First of summer. completely boring. I'm sitting here wishing there were still classes, I'm truly missing Temperance right now. I feel so lonely, and that does make me sad. I hope Trixia and Kerrvy are coming over tomorrow, I really need them, I am so really really bored.

I know maybe most of you are kind of 'confused'. I've been writing that I don't want to study anymore and all that stuff, but education and friends are two different things. I like going to school because of my friends, and depending on the subject, I do like learning. Going to school is much better than sitting here feeling lonely 24/7. I don't think going to school would be a problem if it didn't start so early in the morning. Nah, I don't know what I want to do. We're not going on a vacation anywhere this year, so I have like A LOT of time to spend at home. I'm pretty sure I'll gain millions of pounds... unless I start moving around like a dog chasing its short tail.

I think I'll die of loneliness and boredom pretty soon. I don't know what to do with myself. I want to start screaming at everyone for some unknown reason. This is pathetic. I think I'm starting to hate summer vacations. :/

What would you do on summer vacations?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This school year is over. Temperance, I will miss you so dearly. :(

Here are a million pictures.

Thank you for everything guys. ♥